At this year’s Labelexpo Americas show, Nobelus is highlighting our partnership with the adhesive formulators at Applied Molecules. For years, our team has been committed to educating prime label converters on the benefits and opportunities that can be unlocked through wet lamination. During this time, the cooperation and insights of our adhesive partners have played a crucial role validating compatible adhesives, troubleshooting issues with converters, and helping our label customers find the right products for their needs. We are excited to utilize adhesives from Applied Molecules for all UV lamination demonstrations in Booth 3622 at Labelexpo Americas 2024.  

Featuring the 330Mini from GM and digitally printed labels from HP, Nobelus will be performing live demonstrations of the wet lamination process using adhesives from Applied Molecules and our soft-touch Karess® Film and sandpaper FineGrit™ Film. These partnerships provide our team with the rare opportunity to bring each component in the UV lamination process together so label converters can see this exciting alternative to self-wound lamination firsthand.  

We encourage those who stop by the Nobelus booth to pay a visit to Applied Molecules at Booth 3814 to learn more about the products and services they offer for different converters and markets.  


Applied Molecules has done more for our customers than reliably provide them with high-quality wet adhesives. Time and again, this team has shown our label customers the true meaning of partnership by going above and beyond the role of a supplier. In light of our Labelexpo collaboration, the Nobelus team would like to shine a spotlight on two key aspects of the Applied Molecules business model that make the company one of our top partners. 

  1. Applied Molecules offers incredible service and field support for all their customers. Much like Nobelus, Applied Molecules goes far beyond a transaction-focused business model. So many times, label converters simply want an adhesive supplier that will come alongside them at the press and help optimize their workflow to meet their desired outcomes. Applied Molecules has a proven track record of listening to label converters, asking the right questions, and offering expert solutions that guarantee high-quality results. They even offer customers training concerning adhesive application, curing and bond strength, and achieving ideal dyne levels. 
  1. Applied Molecules is a growth-minded business seeking long-term success. Label converters that deal with small- or medium-volume orders may find that many adhesive suppliers prioritize large volumes and do not cater to these smaller businesses. Applied Molecules gives every customer, regardless of average order volume, dedicated attention and support. For them, every new customer is a sign of growth, and they are invested in the long-term benefit of each label business. Whether a label customer needs a reliable supplier for a standard adhesive or needs a customized solution for their application, Applied Molecules is ready and able to meet them where they are.  

At Nobelus, we recognize that industry partnerships are key not only to our own success but also the success of our customers, and our collaboration with Applied Molecules is a perfect example of this concept in action. 


If you want to learn more about wet lamination or our plans for Labelexpo Americas 2024, please do not hesitate to reach out by phone or email! If you already plan to attend the event, be sure to schedule an appointment with our team through info@nobelus.com